
Showing posts from July, 2016


"The past should not be followed and the future not desired: For what's past is dead and gone, and the future is yet to come."                   -Majjhima Nikaya III:131 Emily continued her readings and learning to meditate. She learned that she can not change others. She took notes on "HOW TO PERFORM MINDFULNESS MEDITATION." Step 1: Get in a comfortable position. Sitting down or lying down with eyes slightly open. Step 2: Focus your eyes on one spot like the "third eye" (middle of forehead) Step 3: Pay attention to your breathing, when inhaling think "in," or "rising," or "comfort," or "surrender. When exhaling think "out," or " falling away," or "letting go," or "release." Step 4: Place your hands in a relaxing and energizing mudra position. Step 5: Be Aware Step 6: Slowly come back into ordinary consciousness -Take three long, slow...


CHUGUG, CHUGGUG, CHUGGUG...Emily was awakened by the opening of the cell doors. Samantha told her that it is breakfast time. "At 5am," she thought? But she got down from her top bunk, bruising her shins as she moves down the steps. She looked at the steel above the sink that is supposed to serve as a mirror, brushed her teeth and stepped out the cell with Samantha and the rest of the pod mates. Everyone formed a line. The officer came in and checked to make sure the cell doors are closed. As soon as she stepped out the food trays were distributed. As the line depleted, it came for Emily's turn to get her tray. After which she looked around at the tables and chairs to choose a place for her to sit in. She chose a table that had no one else sitting on it. She sat down and started to eat, but as soon as the food touched her tongue her brain registered its blandness. She thought, "it's like putting cardboard in your mouth." She tried anothe...